radium chloride造句


  1. Radium chloride ( RaCl 2 ) is a colorless, luminous compound.
  2. In water, it is more soluble than radium chloride.
  3. Radium chloride Ra 223 is one of the most potent drugs known.
  4. It is precipitated from a radium chloride solution mixed with potassium tetrafluoroberyllate.
  5. Radium, in the form of radium chloride, was Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898.
  6. It's difficult to find radium chloride in a sentence. 用radium chloride造句挺难的
  7. Gaseous radium chloride exists as RaCl 2 molecules, as with other alkaline earth metal halides.
  8. From a ton of pitchblende, one-tenth of a gram of radium chloride was separated in 1902.
  9. Contrary to diamagnetic barium chloride, radium chloride is weakly paramagnetic with a magnetic susceptibility of 1.05.
  10. Like radium chloride, crystallization from aqueous solution gives the dihydrate RaBr 2 ?H 2 O, isomorphous with its barium analog.
  11. Radium was isolated in its metallic state by Marie Curie and Andr?Louis Debierne through the electrolysis of radium chloride in 1911.
  12. Radium-223 dichloride ( USP, radium chloride Ra 223 ), tradename Xofigo ( formerly Alpharadin ), is an alpha-emitting radiopharmaceutical.
  13. "' Radium chloride "'( RaCl 2 ) is a chemical compound of radium and chlorine, and the first radium compound isolated in a pure state.
  14. In 1910, radium was isolated as a pure metal by Marie Curie and Andr?Louis Debierne through the electrolysis of a pure radium chloride ( RaCl 2 ) solution using a amalgam.
  15. Radium chloride can also be prepared by heating radium bromide in a flow of dry hydrogen chloride gas, or by dehydrating radium sulfate with dry air and then heating the sulfate in a stream of hydrogen chloride.


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